Sunday, July 15, 2012

10,000BC First cave drawings


Göbekli Tepe, Şanlıurfa, 2011

Old World[edit]

  • Asia: Cave sites near the Caspian Sea are used for human habitation.
  • Africa: Wall paintings found in Ethiopia and Eritrea depicting human activity; some of the older paintings are thought to date back to around 10,000 BC.[4]
  • EuropeAzilian (Painted Pebble Culture) people occupy northern Spain and Southern France.
  • Europe: Magdalenian culture flourishes and creates cave paintings in France.
  • Europe: Horse hunting begins at Solutré.
  • Egypt: Early sickle blades and grinding disappear and are replaced by hunting, fishing and gathering peoples who use stone tools.[citation needed]
  • Jordan: Wadi Faynan (WF16): large, oval-shaped building. Early farmers lived here between 9,600 and 8,200 BC, cultivating wild plants such as wild barley, pistachio, and fig trees, and hunting or herding wild goats, cattle, and gazelle.[5]
  • Kurdistan: Zagros mountains near Kermanshah: very early agriculture (wheat, barley)[6]
  • Syria: Jerf el-Ahmar, occupied between 9200 and 8700 BC.
  • Japan: The Jōmon people use pottery, fish, hunt and gather acorns, nuts and edible seeds. There are 10,000 known sites.
  • Mesopotamia: People begin to collect wild wheat and barley probably to make maltthen beer.
  • The oldest prehistoric village in the Middle East dating back to 9800 B.C., Sahneh, was located in west of Kermanshah, in Kermanshah province.
  • Norway: First traces of population in Randaberg.
  • Persia: The goat is domesticated.
  • SaharaBubalus Period.


North America[edit]



Environmental changes[edit]

c. 10,000 BC:
c. 9700 BC: Lake Agassiz forms
c. 9700 BC: Younger Dryas cold period ends. Pleistocene ends and Holocene begins. Paleolithic ends and Mesolithicbegins. Large amounts of previously glaciated land become habitable again.

:£2m statue looted from UNESCO site in Cyrenaica brought into UK by Jordanian&UAE nationals using false papers.

Jay Leno skit of 
nbcWhat else would you expect from NBC these days? Jay Leno isn’t usually as bad as other late night “comedian” hacks, his little “jingle” mocking a Romney/Rice ticket was sexist and racist. Well at least it would be if a conservative comedian did the same thing to a liberal Democrat ticket..
Rice and Romney, the new American treat
Rice and Romney, the combo can’t be beat.
She’s the perfect choice because of the fact
She’s a woman and she’s black.
Rice and Romney, the new American treat.